《查理和巧克力工厂 》有声书音频+电子书+精讲音频
《查理和巧克力工厂 》有声书音频+电子书+精讲音频

孩子们最爱的罗尔德达尔童话小说.《查理和巧克力工厂 》有声书音频+电子书+精讲音频








5、学习使用美国CCSS(Common Core State Standards)标准的文学分析方法和实践。


├──Roald Dahl – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Unabridged) read by Eric Idle
|   ├──01 – Harper Audio Presents Charlie And The Chocolate Facto.mp3  10.03M
|   ├──02 – Mr Willy Wonka’s Factory.mp3  8.39M
|   ├──03 – Mr Wonka And The Indian Prince.mp3  4.85M
|   ├──04 – The Secret Workers.mp3  8.00M
|   ├──05 – The Golden Tickets.mp3  4.06M
|   ├──06 – The First Two Finders.mp3  8.77M
|   ├──07 – Charlie’s Birthday.mp3  5.83M
|   ├──08 – Two More Golden Tickets Found.mp3  7.43M
|   ├──09 – Grandpa Joe Takes A Gamble.mp3  4.67M
|   ├──10 – The Family Begins To Starve.mp3  9.46M
|   ├──11 – The Miracle.mp3  7.77M
|   ├──12 – What It Said On The Golden Ticket.mp3  12.36M
|   ├──13 – The Big Day Arrives.mp3  5.31M
|   ├──14 – Mr Willy Wonka.mp3  11.15M
|   ├──15 – The Chocolate Room.mp3  8.08M
|   ├──16 – The Oompa-Loompas.mp3  6.62M
|   ├──18 – Down The Chocolate River.mp3  10.96M
|   ├──19 – The Inventing Room — Everlasting Gobstoppers And Hai.mp3  7.57M
|   ├──20 – The Great Gum Machine.mp3  4.84M
|   ├──22 – Along The Corridor.mp3  8.30M
|   ├──23 – Square Candies That Look Round.mp3  5.70M
|   ├──25 – The Great Glass Elevator.mp3  11.55M
|   ├──26 – The Television-Chocolate Room.mp3  10.46M
|   ├──28 – Only Charlie Left.mp3  8.56M
|   ├──29 – The Other Children Go Home.mp3  3.91M
|   └──30 – Charlie’s Chocolate Factory.mp3  11.61M
├──Roald Dahl – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Unabridged) read by James Bolam
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 01.mp3  7.90M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 02.mp3  8.79M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 03.mp3  5.98M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 04.mp3  6.50M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 05.mp3  6.96M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 06.mp3  7.19M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 07.mp3  7.83M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 08.mp3  8.56M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 09.mp3  8.98M
|   ├──(Roadl Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 3) – 10.mp3  8.67M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 01.mp3  6.92M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 02.mp3  8.04M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 03.mp3  7.76M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 04.mp3  6.16M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 05.mp3  8.65M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 06.mp3  7.17M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 07.mp3  7.12M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 08.mp3  6.27M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 09.mp3  6.98M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 10.mp3  4.17M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 1) – 11.mp3  5.88M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 01.mp3  8.04M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 02.mp3  7.65M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 03.mp3  7.53M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 04.mp3  6.39M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 05.mp3  8.06M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 06.mp3  6.11M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 07.mp3  6.73M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 08.mp3  5.54M
|   ├──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 09.mp3  8.95M
|   └──(Roald Dahl) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Part 2) – 10.mp3  3.50M
└──Dahl, Roald – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.pdf  264.47kb

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